Women's Events and Information
Steady to Wing Women's Upland Workshop - Sep 19-21, 2025
In upland hunting, ‘steady to wing’ is a term used when a pointing dog stays on point and holds steady until the bird flushes. To us, it’s so much more than just that…
Over the course of two and a half days participants will get the chance to meet other likeminded women, learn about cooking, habitat and conservation, spend time at the range shooting clays and learning about gun handling and safety, and spend a day on a game preserve hunting with mentors over dogs. Other topics include gear, ethics, strategy, storytelling, and more.
Gallatin Valley Pheasants Forever is hosting a weekend of education and empowerment in the upland field for all women.
Agenda as follows, subject to change :
Friday, September 19th:
Forms/Paperwork, Cocktail Hour, Cooking Demonstration
Saturday, September 20th:
Morning – Short Courses
Regulations, Habitat, Access, Equipment/Gear, Dogs, Gun Cleaning
Afternoon – Gun Safety/Handling, Sporting Clay Shoot
Optional Group Dinner
Sunday, September 21st:
Doggie Demo
Live Bird Hunt
Bird Cleaning Demonstration
Farm to Table Dinner at our Hunting Location
If you’ve been wanting to try hunting, never had an opportunity to or don’t know where to start. This is a great opportunity to be introduced to the upland field. No experience necessary. We welcome you to a taste of what upland hunting can be..
Women's Upland Workshop Sponsorship Opportunities
Check out our sponsorship opportunities.